Rabu, 30 Disember 2009

internet for what?

me? almost everyday i 'll
browse my email via yahoo.com
google everything via google.com
daydreaming about 'll flying and will have stunning holiday .. airasia.com
count my money @ maybank2u.com even no money on that account.
read news ,politics and gossip via utusanonline.com beritaonline.com harakahdaily.net ohbulan.com
bloggging myself at here and others like Anwaribrahim.com and his blogrolls .
shopping and waste my money @lelong.com.my.
social networking and wasting my precious time @ facebook.com twitter.com .

Sabtu, 19 Disember 2009

Setahun sudah berlalu

Dah nak habis tahun 2009.. dalam tahun ni takde benda penting yg ku buat.
Berjalan pun tak ada.
Tempat paling jauh aku pernah pergi Melaka, itupun sebab hari raya dan nenek orang Melaka.
Umur makin banyak.. hidup pulak semakin menyedihkan.

Jumaat, 18 Disember 2009

Thing to do before 2010

What's I want/need to do before the year 2010

-Cut my hair
-Purchase nice clothes and shoes.-
-Purchase Hardisk and repair computer.
-Repair kitchen light.
-Trap Stuart little (and big too).
-Watch Chipmunk movie.
-Wash those curtains.
-Buy myself birthday gift
-visit the dentist

Can I do this?